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Paquete Geeks

Dé rienda suelta a la aventura de la experiencia de sala de escape con el nuestro Paquete Geeks. Diseñado por expertos para mentes inquisitivas de entre 9 y 13 años, este conjunto ofrece una atractiva mezcla de nuestros juegos más cautivadores e inmersivos. Sumérgete en el fascinante mundo de los puzles y los misterios: ¡consigue tu paquete geeks hoy mismo!

Precio regular $58.00


La Habitación Secreta de Houdini

9-13 años

Laboratorio del profesor Soen

9-13 años

+ Extras Divertidos Gratuitos


Invitaciones personalizables



Mejore su experiencia de sala de escape con nuestros extras gratuitos incluidos en el Paquete Geeks. Proporcionamos carteles temáticos para crear ambiente, invitaciones personalizables para dar un toque personal a tu evento y máscaras de personajes para sumergirse completamente en el juego. Estas divertidas adiciones aportan un nivel extra de emoción y compromiso, haciendo que cada aventura de sala de escape sea realmente memorable.

¿Qué dice la gente de nosotros?

4,9 de 5 estrellas (basado en 157 reseñas)
Muy buena4%
Muy mala1%

Fun for family game night

My family (incl. 9yo + 13yo) and I had a great time doing Professor Swen’s Lab. I especially liked the first challenge with the map because it allowed my 9yo to be very interactive and focused on the instructions/directions. And if course I think the ones associated with the mobile app are the best because it brings you just a little closer to the high-tech expensive Escape Rooms. Hopefully more can be added to the app.


Fun family night

I’m an author looking for ideas to spin off my books so I’m constantly subjecting my family to game ideas. I selected Houdini’s Secret Room.

Notes: There were 8 of us. Definitely too large of a group. The guys sat back and watched. I’m don’t remember why I selected Houdini — my youngest is 17, so we are far outside the target age group. We solved the puzzle with no hints but did need to put on our thinking caps.

The storyline was fun. The puzzles matched the theme and, as I stated above, made us think. They would be excellent for the intended age group.

Our only problem was with the app. When we got to the final puzzle, it would not accept our answer. We selected the correct item and received the “are you sure” message, but could not, find a way to submit the answer. We tried for a good ten minutes, inadvertently selecting the wrong item twice. But those were accidents and we couldn’t figure out how we got it to accept the answer. We finally gave up and I verified our choice in the solutions guide. A bit anticlimactic, but it was a fun night.

Deborah Gatchel

Great Indoor Activity for Bday Party

I ordered this for my daughter’s 11 year old bday party and it was a hit! It wasn’t too hard or too easy. They needed the hints and loved that they could get them from the app. The instructions were clear and easy to follow. I printed everything out on cardstock as suggested. We did have 7 girls and they didn’t want to be separated so they did it as one big group. It was slightly too large of a group as some would feel not involved at times. Up to 5 is recommended and I should have followed that guidance. I highly recommend it to anyone!

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