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Escape Room für 16+

Il Collier Dorato - Trilogia

Immergiti nella trilogia Il Collier Dorato dove mistero e avventura si scontrano! Unisciti al professor Bartholomew Wilson e Oscar Quin mentre affrontano enigmi intelligenti, decifrano codici e svelano i segreti di un antico tesoro. Dalle sconvolgenti scoperte alle misteriose sparizioni, ogni colpo di scena ti terrà con il fiato sospeso. Con suggerimenti ben bilanciati e un sacco di momenti "aha!", preparati per un viaggio alla ricerca del tesoro pieno di eccitazione, rompicapo e un pizzico di pericolo!

Lo puoi trovare in questi pacchetti:

12 Giochi + Tutti i giochi futuri

Pacchetto Scuola

4 Giochi

Pacchetto 16+

La Trama

Si dice che un antico tesoro sia sepolto su una piccola isola al di fuori della costa della Turchia. Poco si sa su di esso e la sua esistenza è stata fortemente dibattuta nella comunità archeologica. Il professore di archeologia, Bartholomew Wilson, ha sempre respinto l'idea considerandola un mito. Finora.

Armati solo di una lettera misteriosa e di un souvenir da quattro soldi del suo vecchio amico Edward, Bartholomew e Oscar si imbarcano in un'avventura epica. Anche se trovano un oggetto molto utile lungo la strada, l'avventura non è facile e il loro percorso si rivela pieno di sfide da superare.

Il Collier Dorato ti mette nei panni di Bartholomew mentre cerchi di mettere insieme le risposte ai molti misteri del Mar Egeo. In ogni capitolo, dovrai affrontare una sfida da risolvere per il nostro duo per continuare la loro ricerca. 

Come Funziona

Scarica & Stampa

Riunisci I Tuoi Amici

Prendi: Penna e Forbici

Goditi L'avventura

90-120 Minuti di Divertimento a Partita
Intraprendi un viaggio epico con latrilogia "Il Collier Dorato", un'avventura completa raccontata attraverso tre giochi di escape room immersivi. Con ogni gioco che richiede 90-120 minuti per essere risolto, la trilogia offre da 4,5 a 6 ore di intrattenimento stimolante. Gioca un gioco alla volta o affronta l'intera trilogia in un'unica sessione emozionante: dipende interamente da te. Che tu prenda il tuo tempo senza suggerimenti o mantenga lo slancio con indizi guidati, questa avventura è progettata per adattarsi al tuo stile di gioco.

1-4 Giocatori per Gruppo
Questa trilogia è progettata per ospitare gruppi da 1 a 4 giocatori, ma è perfetta anche per raduni più grandi. Se stai ospitando un gruppo più numeroso, dividi i giocatori in squadre più piccole da 2 a 4 giocatori, stampa una copia per ogni squadra e lascia che la corsa per scoprire il Gilded Carcanet abbia inizio! È ideale per piccole riunioni di famiglia, eventi di team building o persino per avventurieri solitari che amano le sfide.

Ottimo per Adulti
Non importa la tua età, che tu abbia 16 o 99 anni, questa trilogia è stata creata per mettere alla prova il tuo ingegno, la tua creatività e le tue capacità di problem-solving. Preparati per un'esperienza di escape room cinematografica come nessun'altra.

Difficoltà: 4.5/5 Stelle
La ricerca del Collier Dorato non è un'impresa da poco: è un'avventura emozionante che metterà alla prova le tue capacità di risoluzione di enigmi. Con suggerimenti ben bilanciati e una guida dettagliata fornita per ogni capitolo, anche le sfide più difficili possono essere affrontate con sicurezza. Immergiti nel mistero e scopri se hai le carte in regola per risolvere questa trilogia epica!

Rimborso Del Denaro Al 100%

Se non ti piace, riceverai un rimborso, senza fare domande. Siamo certi che questi giochi porteranno una nuova dimensione di divertimento a casa tua, ma se non sei completamente soddisfatto, la responsabilità è nostra!

Rispettoso Del L’ambiente

Nessuna emissione di gas di spedizione, nessuno spreco di pacchi: SOLO DIVERTIMENTO! Sostieni progetti come le nostre escape room stampabili e sostieni allo stesso tempo il pianeta.

Aiutare Qualcuno

Con ogni acquisto, doni il 20% del profitto ai bambini bisognosi. Ogni bambino dovrebbe avere il diritto di crescere come parte di una famiglia, circondato da amore e rispetto.

Cosa Dice Cosa dice la gente di questo gioco?
Very good4%

Fun for family game night

My family (incl. 9yo + 13yo) and I had a great time doing Professor Swen’s Lab. I especially liked the first challenge with the map because it allowed my 9yo to be very interactive and focused on the instructions/directions. And if course I think the ones associated with the mobile app are the best because it brings you just a little closer to the high-tech expensive Escape Rooms. Hopefully more can be added to the app.


Fun family night

I’m an author looking for ideas to spin off my books so I’m constantly subjecting my family to game ideas. I selected Houdini’s Secret Room.

Notes: There were 8 of us. Definitely too large of a group. The guys sat back and watched. I’m don’t remember why I selected Houdini — my youngest is 17, so we are far outside the target age group. We solved the puzzle with no hints but did need to put on our thinking caps.

The storyline was fun. The puzzles matched the theme and, as I stated above, made us think. They would be excellent for the intended age group.

Our only problem was with the app. When we got to the final puzzle, it would not accept our answer. We selected the correct item and received the “are you sure” message, but could not, find a way to submit the answer. We tried for a good ten minutes, inadvertently selecting the wrong item twice. But those were accidents and we couldn’t figure out how we got it to accept the answer. We finally gave up and I verified our choice in the solutions guide. A bit anticlimactic, but it was a fun night.

Deborah Gatchel

Great Indoor Activity for Bday Party

I ordered this for my daughter’s 11 year old bday party and it was a hit! It wasn’t too hard or too easy. They needed the hints and loved that they could get them from the app. The instructions were clear and easy to follow. I printed everything out on cardstock as suggested. We did have 7 girls and they didn’t want to be separated so they did it as one big group. It was slightly too large of a group as some would feel not involved at times. Up to 5 is recommended and I should have followed that guidance. I highly recommend it to anyone!


Good family time

My family (with 2 boys: 9yo + 13yo) just completed ‘Professor Swen’s Lab’ as part of a holiday family activity. It was a lot of fun, and I appreciated the app, which allowed everyone to participate. Driving the mad mobile around the map for the first challenge was fun for my 9yo. I would say it’s more age appropriate for 8-11yo kids.

Less M

My scouts loved it

Every year my Girl Scout Troop does an escape room at our last meeting before winter break. This was our fourth year, and our second year using one from Escape Room Geeks.

Today we did Houdini’s Secret Room with 13 nine and ten year olds, split into 3 groups. Everything went perfectly, and the app was an excellent addition. One group finished with 27 minutes to spare, and the other two made more use of the hints and were able to finish in time though they struggled a little more.

Everything was really well laid out, and the girls had an amazing time.

I’m seriously considering ordering another one to do at our last meeting before summer break.

Jacob Holliday

Your perfect at home date night

We played with my wife Silver Screen Sleuths and loved every second of it. Downloading the game was all I needed to do and we could solve this after putting our kids to bed. We loved the comic style and all the puzzles are so clever. The story makes sense from beginning to the end. I hope to play more like this in the future



It was so much fun and I loved it so much thank you so much for the opportunity to do this.



My kids are obsessed with Escape Rooms but they’re so expensive. For Halloween I wanted to find one we could do at home. This was impressive! The boys (10+13yo) loved it. The app made such a difference, I think. Hopefully you can add more games to the app.

Alessa M

I think the game is worth everything! It is so fun and channeling!!!

Even though it is a little tiring to billed it, it is soooooooo fun to play! And it is not to hared but still very challenging and fun!!!!!!


Fun for ALL ages.

Downloaded the Medrano Circus Escape Room and loved the compatibility with the App. We had two teams work simultaneously on two separate iPads and it was perfect! One hiccup is that if your device is not set up to allow the app to access the camera it will interrupt the experience and you’ll have to go back to the beginning and plug in all the previous answers, make sure you use pen an paper to record. Not a huge deal, but interrupted momentum. We had two groups of 11 year olds play and they probably got 85% of the puzzles without help. We then had a group of 8 year olds attempt and they needed more help, probably closer to 50%. The music in the app really added to the experience and the spookiness. The 8 year olds got a little scared the further they advanced, but overall everyone had a great time! From beginning to end probably took just over an hour. I will definitely be back to try another escape room.

Allie F.

I love it so much

It’s full of clues and puzzles and feels so random but then it just fits together so well and that’s why I found it so amazing.


Escape rooms during cyber security event for children

I was preparing the cybersecurity event for children at school. One of the tasks was run from the escape room. I had 3 groups so I prepared three escape rooms. Children had to cooperate to win this game. I used games from Escape Room Geeks which I was able to mix to have a great adventure for children. It was an excellent choice and children had a lot of fun. It was great that I can use those escape rooms for children in different years so it was on their level and all of them can solve challenges in similar time.

I really appreciate your help and I’m 100% sure that I will use more of your printable escape rooms in the future. Thanks for your great work!


This is the most amazing find!

My kids (13yo,9yo) are obsessed with Escape Rooms but they’re too expensive. For Halloween I was looking for an at-home DIY one, not at all expecting to find this gem. It’s really the app for me, but the quality of the challenges and extras make this amazing. I think they’re going to love it. I’ve done a quick review myself and am quite impressed.


Fun adventure

The story was interesting, puzzles clever, overall a fun time. I especially liked the life lesson at the end.

Christine TheHauntGirl

Problematic for groups

The escape room is good for 1 group but when it comes to running 2 groups of 5 as advertised is possible, the codes only work for 1 group to complete the puzzles. The second group couldn’t get past the codes.


From a playtester

As a playtester for “Silver Screen Sleuths,” I can confidently say this is one of the most engaging detective games I’ve encountered. We tested it with a group of 3, and it took us about 2 and a half hours to solve. The story is exceptionally catchy. The puzzles are challenging yet fun, providing a rewarding experience for those who love intricate detective work.


Highly Recommend!

An absolute must-play for fans of detective games. My friends and I tackled it together with four of us playing. The story is captivating, and the puzzles are both challenging and entertaining. This game is ideal for groups who love to collaborate and piece together complex clues. If you’re looking for a thrilling group activity, “Silver Screen Sleuths” will not disappoint.


Perfect Detective Scenario

I highly recommend “Silver Screen Sleuths” for anyone who loves a good detective challenge. My girlfriend and I played it together, and it took us about 2 hours to complete. The story is incredibly catchy, drawing you in from the very beginning. The puzzles are difficult but extremely fun, making every moment engaging and rewarding. The artwork is perfect, adding to the immersive experience. It’s perfect for those who enjoy diving deep into detective mysteries and solving intricate puzzles. Whether you’re playing solo or with friends, “Silver Screen Sleuths” offers an immersive and thrilling experience that will keep you hooked until the very end.


Adventure awaits!

The Gilded Carcanet is a great old-fashioned adventure game in the vein of Indiana Jones. Its fun mix of puzzles and distinctive art style are a joy and the fact that you can print it off and play anywhere is a big plus.

The open-ended story left me eager for more; thankfully the rest of the trilogy is available to buy now. If you love puzzles and adventure then you won’t be disappointed!

The Escape Puzzler Matt

Great way of spending your time during cold and/or wet days

I’m addicted to all kind of Escape- Rooms/Games/Online. So I have played a lot now, mostly by myself. I have played the 3 games of the Gilded Carcanet and I’m very enthousiastic about this. Nice storyline, great printables and challanging and fun to play. Can really advice you to play these games


I was waiting for Part 3

Yes, finally the third one. I love this game. I always play with my Grandpa; I call him my Barty when we play :). The challenges, some easy and some difficult, were incredibly satisfying to play, discover, and solve. Level 4, in particular, really makes you think. Excellent games, all three of them. Very jealous of those who will play them for the first time.


I recommend it!

We played “The Gilded Carcanet III” we were 3 players and had a great time! The game is fun and full of interesting puzzles and mysteries. It was quite challenging, and it took us around 2 hours to finish. We did use some of the hints to help us along the way. This game is a great finish for the trilogy. And even if you haven’t played Parts 1 and 2, you can still enjoy it. It’s a fantastic adventure that keeps you engaged and entertained. We highly recommend it for anyone who loves solving puzzles and having fun!


We tested "The Gilded Carcanet Part 3"

We recently played “The Gilded Carcanet Part 3” and it was an absolute blast! This game was engaging and challenging, really putting our escape skills to the test. We’ve loved the entire trilogy, but this final part was the icing on the cake. We did need a few hints along the way, which were thoughtfully designed and helped us out just when we felt stuck. The story and the finale were fantastic. We can’t wait for the Escape Room Geeks designers to come out with a new game for enthusiasts like us!


It was fun

It was very entertaining


Circus Medrano Comes to Africa!

Greetings from beautiful Uganda, the Pearl of Africa! 🇺🇬😊

We wanted to let you all know how much our students enjoyed solving the mystery of Medrano Circus. First, some background…

We are house parents at The Amazima School, a secondary boarding school in Jinja. We oversee a dorm of 18 Ugandan teenage boys, ranging in age from 16-20. All of these guys come from hard places and have experienced some level of trauma. Our role is to provide a safe, loving environment while they are at school and to cultivate partnership with their families and guardians to ensure a quality education as well as spiritual growth.

One of their favorite Saturday night activities is the Escape Room Geeks games. When they returned to the house from dinner last weekend to find it decorated and set up, they broke into big smiles and did, “Yay!! Escape room!” They were delighted!

This is our third Escape Room Geeks game night at our house. And it did not disappoint. We decorated the dorm with brightly colored balloons and played circus music. We played the the opening story from the app, then divided them into three teams of 6 and sent them into their rooms with the first challenge. Each team had an adult mentor with a phone and the apo, as the students themselves do not have phones at school.

At certain points when they completed a challenge, we rewarded the teams with circus themed treats such as peanuts and sodas. We even recruited two small children from a couple that lives on campus to act as our kidnap victims so when they solved the final challenge, they actually had to find the door with the correct address and open it. When they did, out came the two children, excitedly thanking them for rescuing them. Afterwards, when the teams completed the game, we gave them funnel cakes as a treat. They had never had them before and they really enjoyed them. They said this was the best one yet, but also for them the easiest as they are becoming pros at solving escape rooms. 🙂

Next term, we plan to do another. Unfortunately, we are unable to send many photos, due to a strict school policy of not taking and/or publishing photos of the students’ faces. We are attaching a few from various escape rooms that do not show their faces.

Thank you all for providing such excellent games. We have never been disappointed. And here at the school, we emphasize critical thinking skills and creative problem solving, so they are perfect vehicles for our students to exercise in a practical way the skills they are developing at the school.

Looking forward to the next escape room night!

Jerry Cheryl Davison
Quali Extra Ottieni ?

Escape Room è più di una semplice risoluzione di enigmi: è un'esperienza completa. Per aiutarti a portare le avventure direttamente a casa tua o in ufficio, il nostro kit di gioco include più dei semplici enigmi. Nei tuoi download, troverai anche poster e inviti che esaltano i viaggi avventurosi del Prof. Barty e di Oscar Quin. Inoltre, non dimenticare di riprodurre la musica di sottofondo che abbiamo preparato per questa avventura!


Inviti Modificabili

Elenco Di Riproduzione

Non è sicuro?
Hai bisogno di consigli?

Cos'è un kit Escape Room stampabile?

Questi giochi sono un mix perfetto di gioco da tavolo e stanza di fuga, che può essere giocato ovunque e ovunque! Tutto quello che devi fare è stampare il file di gioco e fare una rapida configurazione. I bambini lavoreranno in modo cooperativo per risolvere gli enigmi e portare a termine il compito in un periodo di tempo limitato.

Questo di solito accade a causa di un indirizzo email digitato in modo errato. In questo caso, inviaci un messaggio di posta elettronica, in modo che possiamo controllare il tuo acquisto e modificare il tuo ordine!

Quante volte vuoi! Anche dopo anni, puoi stampare il gioco e sembrerà ancora nuovo di zecca.

Non dovresti avere problemi a stamparlo in una copisteria. Se ti chiedono un copyright, mostra loro la ricevuta di acquisto e andrà tutto bene ☺ Se hai ancora qualche problema, scrivici e ti rilasceremo un modulo di rilascio del copyright!

Ci sono 3 modi per scaricare il tuo kit di gioco:

  1. Dopo l'acquisto riceverai un'e-mail da hello@escaperoomgeeks.com con il link per il download.
  2. Puoi scaricarlo nella pagina di conferma dell'acquisto o
  3. In Il mio conto pagina

In caso di problemi con il download, inviaci un'e-mail e ti risponderemo a breve.

Siamo abbastanza sicuri che amerai i nostri giochi, ma nel caso in cui non fossi completamente soddisfatto, riceverai un rimborso di 100%. Basta scriverci un'e-mail che desideri ottenere un rimborso completo e avrai indietro i tuoi soldi in 48 ore. Non ti chiederemo di compilare alcun modulo o di darci spiegazioni, ma ogni feedback è molto gradito e importante per noi.

Ovviamente puoi condividere il gioco con i tuoi amici e familiari più cari. Finché non lo condividi con tutti quelli che conosci o lo vendi per denaro, non abbiamo problemi con esso.

I diritti d'autore del gioco appartengono a EscapeRoomGeeks e NON dovresti:

  • Rivendilo
  • Caricalo su una piattaforma di condivisione file
  • Modifica il kit e rivendicalo come tuo

Se sei interessato a rivendere questo gioco sulla tua piattaforma web, contattaci.

Certo, vai avanti, fai una sorpresa a qualcun altro! Può essere un grande regalo.

Sì, molti bambini e famiglie si sono divertiti molto a giocare ai nostri giochi. Riceviamo molti feedback positivi. Puoi controllare alcune delle recensioni su questa pagina!

Devi acquistare una licenza di gioco se vuoi:

– Carica i tuoi clienti per l'esperienza,

– Usa il gioco per tutta la scuola,

– Organizza attività di escape room per i tuoi clienti e clienti.

Scopri di più sulla nostra offerta di licenza di gioco!

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